New NESTLÉ CERELAC® Infant Cereal with more IRON

Full-term babies have large amounts of iron stored in their bodies sufficient for the first six months of their new life. Up until this stage, babies will also start weaning foods to meet their increasing nutritional needs. Iron, is one key nutrient that plays an important role for an infant’s childhood nutrition, specifically for red blood cells which carry oxygen to all parts of the body to help the body’s production.

Iron also has short-term and possibly long-term effects on the child’s motor, cognitive and socio-emotional development, co-ordination, and behaviour of the child. However, ensuring a child’s daily requirements are not as difficult as it looks. 

Offering iron-fortified foods such as rice cereals, red meat and leafy vegetables are a good example to complement your baby’s diet during the weaning stages.

More IRON, More Potential

To help bridge the iron gap and complement a baby’s diet, Nestlé introduces the new CERELAC® Infant Cereals range, infused with higher iron content BIFIDUS BL probiotics and DHA. The new and improved Nestlé CERELAC® Infant Cereals will meet more than 50 per cent of an infant’s daily iron requirement, in just one serving.

Made with Baby Grade ingredients specially grown for babies, Nestlé CERELAC® InfantCereals offer a range of flavours across three stages of an infant’s growth – after six months, from eight months, and from 12 months, giving your child a nutritious headstart to their first solid foods.

Nestlé CERELAC® Infant Cereals comes in 11 different variants to cater to each stage of an infant’s growth. 

CalculateYour Child’s Daily IRON Intake

Nestlé CERELAC® Infant Cereals also launched the new CERELAC® iRON Calculator, a simple and interactive platform for parents to help ensure the food their child receives meets the daily iron needs, all with just a click of a button. All users have to do is select from food categories and their respective servings, to generate the estimated iron intake for their child.

I am happy that I got 100% and giving my kids a variety of iron-rich foods.
You can read and find out more details about Nestle products on their website and facebook page!

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